Cell phones have been a part of our lives for many years. This innovative technology creates an efficient tool in today’s society. I remember it being started out as a big black brick with an extendable antenna. The phone can barely fit into our pockets in our pants. As our generation continues to grow, new creative ideas such as different styles, colors, and shapes for cell phones are introduced to attract consumers. Back then, people who had cell phones often use it to talk through the other line. Nowadays, talking on the phone is not as popular as before. Texting to each other seems much more convenient.
Back when I was in high school, I was afraid of paying the extra $5 for an additional 150 texts per month because it was a tool that I knew I did not need. Five years later, I knew I had to get the unlimited text plan because I go through on an average of 400 texts a month. Another useful tool with cell phones I notice in today’s society is the data plan which allows consumers to go on the internet on their cell phones. Consumers are used to getting things done fast and efficient. They do not like to wait for a page to load for 5 minutes on their phones. The faster it loads the happier they will be. Before, there was 1g internet, but now correct me if I am wrong, 4g is out there. Not only does a phone must perform top notch to their desire, but it also need to look sleek, clean, and small enough to fit in their pockets. Every dimensions, ounces, shapes, and colors count. To me, the way I decide how to chose my phone is whether the device has a full QWERTY keyboard so that it will be convenient for me to text my friends and contacts.
What will happen in the next five years from now? How will the hype for cell phones continue? My mind automatically thinks of Steve Jobs and wonder what will his next innovative technology will be. Ever since iPhone came out, all other phones have become their competitor. In this interesting article I found, the word is that “holographic conversation” will be the hype. By 2015, researchers predict that a “3D image of the caller will be able to pop up, or be projected, out of your mobile phone”. To me, I have not grasp the benefit from the concept of have a 3D hologram projected from the mobile phone. I can see that there is a more intimate, face-to-face interaction with the person from the other line. It would be perfect if it is through long distance, maybe a (father and son relationship). Otherwise, I do see it will be very expensive to put everything in practice to make a futuristic innovation.