Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Media Diet

Friday - 1/14/2011
  • Television 
    • Playing games (30 mins)
    • Watching t.v. shows (2 hours)
  • Computer
    • Pandora radio (3 hours)
    • Homework (2 hours)
    • Email (20 mins)
    • Work (4 hours)
  • Phone
    • Playing games (30 mins)
    • Call (30 mins)
    • Text (1 hour)
Saturday - 1/15/2011
  • Television 
    • Playing games (30 mins)
    • Watching t.v. shows/sports(4 hours)
  • Computer
    • Pandora radio (4 hours)
    • Homework (4 hours)
    • Email (5 mins)
  • Phone
    • Playing games (1hour)
    • Call (15 mins)
    • Text (2 hours)
Sunday - 1/16/2011
  • Television 
    • Watching t.v. shows/sports (3 hours)
  • Computer
    • Pandora radio (3 hours)
    • Homework (2 hours)
  • Phone
    • Text (1 hour)
Monday - 1/17/2011
  • Television 
    • Watching t.v. shows/sports (1 hour)
  • Computer
    • Pandora radio (3 hours)
    • Homework (3 hours)
  • Phone
    • Playing games (15 mins)
    • Call (1 hour)
    • Text (2 hours)
Tuesday - 1/18/2011
  • Television 
    • Playing games (30 mins)
    • Watching t.v. (2 hours)
  • Computer
    • Pandora radio (3 hours)
    • Homework (2 hours)
  • Phone
    • Playing games (30 mins)
    • Call (30 mins)
    • Text (1 hour)
After keeping records of my media consumption for the past 5 days, I noticed a distinctive pattern. Surprisingly, I used the exact same medias for five consecutive days which are television, computer, and phone (Blackberry). Watching t.v. sets me aside from the reality. To me, it is my time of enjoyment and relaxation. Most of the time, I watched comedy shows such as "My Wife and Kids" and "George Lopez". Getting a quick laugh of here and there takes my mind off of school and work. I also noticed that I watch a lot of sports on ESPN. I mostly watch basketball games, especially if the Chicago Bulls, Miami Heat, or Oaklahoma City are playing. After taking a break from an exhausting day, it is time to do my homework. Some people enjoy studying with music on, and some prefers their peace and quiet. I personally enjoy studying with music on, Pandora is a lifesaver. At times, it is distracting when the computer is in front of me while I am studying. Ever since Facebook has invented, it has consumed a lot of my time. Other times I would use the computer to check my emails, go on forums about cars, and homework purposes. I find that I use the computer more for entertainment purposes that school work. I also notice that my phone is very useful to communicate with my classmates and co-workers. I realized that I spent more hours using the medias more on weekdays than on weekends. I find it that I watch tv more on weekends than on weekdays. Seems like I have prioritize my entertainment from work and school-related. I focus studying more on weekdays and spend more time relaxing on weekends. 

I believe that most Americans between the ages of 18-24 are not going to diverge much from my media diet. As a student and an employee, I find that communication mediums are very important. In today's society, most of my peers are into some sort of social networking groups. I am guessing that whether it is Myspace, Twitter, or Facebook, people my age enjoy receiving and sending messages to each other. Likewise, text messaging is just as important. I also believe that people my age find it hard to survive without internet access. We need internet for several needs. Many of us in school need internet for checking notifications from professor, checking and composing email to colleagues and professors, and complete assignments online. 

My media consumptions also reflects on American society in general. In today's society, I find it difficult for Americans to deviate from internet usage. Internet is a useful innnovation that can make our lives much efficient and convenient. Internet can be used for entertainment, resources, and communication purposes. Americans who are a bit older may use it more towards for their entertainment such as shopping online. Why waste gas and mileage when you are just a few clicks away from buying your favorite item? I also fail to understand why Americans do not carry a cellphone with them at all times. It is understandable if they are 50+ years old. Cellphones are not used only for entertainment, but also for important phone calls such as work-related, family-related, and school-related. It is a tool for a quick access to the person we need to get in touch with. 

I feel like I have successfully prioritize my entertainment from work and school-related. I try not to get distracted so much from Facebook, AIM, or any other social networking groups. When it is time to study, I dedicate all my time to  it and not get side-tracked by the computer or cell phones. But I do have to agree that many times it is tempting to get off-road.